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Scott Monument, Edinburgh, Scotland

Date Visited: May 16, 2014

Time Spent: 45 minutes of pure, beautiful Saudade

If you've seen the film Cloud Atlas, you've no doubt seen shots of this monument. It is used as the backdrop for the last time Robert sees his lover Rufus for the last time. It's beautifully filmed, and made this stone cold fox shed a single tear, reeling from emotion. I'm a sucker for emotional moments that make me feel even more alone than I already am.

The monument was built to commemorate Ivanhoe author, Sir Walter Scott. Construction was completed in 1844 and rises over 60 metres tall. If you are familiar with Scott's work, then you'll have a ball of a time looking at the statues depicting characters from his novels. It is climbable for a mere 3 pounds, a bargain in my books, as I always have this uncontrollable urge to damage my knees even more by traipsing up stone steps for those fleeting, quiet moments of peace and awe.

A view from the top, makes me almost want a contemplative cigarette (#SmokingKills)

It was another foggy day in Scotland when the monument came looming into view. Based on how obsessed I was (am) with Cloud Atlas, I felt Game of Thrones style shamed that I didn't think to look up this monument while planning my Eurotrip. I must thank the girls I was with for wanting to visit an H&M for venturing to this part of town... even though I don't want to. Immediately, you feel small but in the best way possible. I obviously skipped the shopping to climb and get my Saudade on.

It wasn't a very populated monument, not sure if it was the time of year, day, or that it's off the beaten path from the Royal Mile. Either way, I was quite happy to be alone most of the time, to really pretend I was in Cloud Atlas, and hide away from my long lost lover. I somehow also found free WiFi on top of the tower, which took away from the experience slightly, but the millennial in me was quite happy with it.

There's actually a museum on the first floor with some amazingly beautiful stained glass windows. Of course, I was too excited to climb beforehand and almost missed it on my way down. Don't forget to culture yourself with your climb! The monument is beautiful in its own right, but the view it gives is definitely worth the trek up. Be like me, skip the shopping and get some exercise!


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Born in the wrong time period, so I visit museums to compensate.


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