John Lennon Wall, Prague, Czech Republic

Date Visited: December 26, 2016
Time Spent: 30 minutes
Some ambiance for when you're reading this: John Lennon: Imagine
If you're brave enough to make your way through the masses on Charles Bridge, or smart enough to take a different bridge over the river, make sure to visit the Lennon Wall while you're in Prague!
It all started with a not so special wall owned by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, in a not so special place in the 1980s. A portrait of John Lennon was spray painted onto the surface, and people have been filled with Beatles lyrics, messages of peace and love, and other democratic art.

Why you lookin' so skteched out, bro?
The wall itself can be a bit difficult to find, even with a map. And if yo've been to the East Side Gallery in Berlin, Germany, or the Graffiti Street in Ghent, Belgium, you might be disappointed by its size. But one thing that sets the wall apart from all the others is that you'll probably get a front row seat to a new addition being created. If you came prepared, you can even leave a sentiment of peace and love of the wall yourself!

I, of course, completely forgot and only had a crappy pen to make a mark. BUT I DID IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE #YOLO
The best part about the Lennon Wall is that it's always changing. You can keep revisiting it and it will be completely different every time. It's the wall that keeps on giving! The Giving Wall, if you will