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Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Date Visited: January 31, 2017

Time Spent: 3 Hours

Collection: Fine Art, Archaeological Artifacts, Decorative Arts, Coins, Library

Did you know there are over 100 museums in Vienna?! I was always aware of the cultural importance of Austria's capital, but boy was I floored when I heard this number. I only had two days in Vienna, so my museum visits had to be limited. Also, Vienna can get pricey, an this student had to make sure she got her schnitzel on before leaving #priorities.

I will hand it to Vienna though, they certainly know how to put on a great show with exhibiting their art. If you haven't seen The Great Museum yet, drop whatever, and whomever you're doing (maybe include the whom if they're equally excited about museums) and watch this film. It's a great behind the scenes view of the museum world, and you get to do a little couch travel.

It was extremely cold the weekend I was in Vienna, so I was very happy to have all of their warm museums to keep me safe from the outdoors. I arrived at the Kunsthistorisches Museum just after 10 am, and there was already a lineup outside to get in. I will point out though, that the foyer in which tickets are bought is extremely small, and there was only one cash. The line moved rather quickly given the circumstances.

The minute you enter the rotunda, you suddenly become aware of how little you are. I think I stared up at the ceiling, fully clad in hat, scarf and jacket for a rather long time before remembering that I had feet and that lockers were awaiting me.You do not arrive at the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum, it imposes its greatness upon you and takes everyone captive.

Kunsthistorisches Museum Rotunda

Kunsthistorisches Museum Rotunda

When one thinks of the quintessential European museum, images of large rooms, with countless paintings hung amongst each other, larger than life works in oil, and seemingly endless hallways. This is the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The recent renovations have added a modern touch and feel to some areas and rooms, particularly the Classical statues, but it does not in any way attempt to be simple. This is culture on steroids.

Around every corner, I discovered a painting that I studied in school and had forgotten was housed here. Artists had set up shop in front of paintings to work on reproductions. I spent a little too much time behind one gentleman, I'm sure I made him question his decision to be there.


My normally disused Snapchat became probably the most annoying notification that my friends 6 hours behind me in Canada were receiving at 4 in the morning. But I didn't care, I was looking at art, damnit and I had to share it with someone! Luckily one friend is always there to send written groans of jealousy and agreement when I need her. On that note, free Wi-Fi!

If you aren't sure what there is to see at the museum, here are my top 5 pieces that you're hopefully familiar with:

Summer by Guiseppe Arcimboldo

Theseus and the Centaur by Antonio Canova

Special mentions to the amazing frieze along the top the the staircase painted by Gustav Klimt, and the Cellini Salt Cellar. The Cellar actually has quite the fun story to it, as it was stolen in 2003 and returned three years later. You can visit this art piece in the galleries today and pretend you're Indiana Jones returning the "Mona Lisa of sculpture" to its rightful home.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum is definitely worth a visit if you're ever in Vienna! Even if you just stare at the Klimt frieze for 45 minutes like I did (nope, not biased at all). You can find it in the Museum Quarter- yes Vienna has a museum quarter and you should get lost in it at all costs.

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Born in the wrong time period, so I visit museums to compensate.


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